时间:2015.04.23 来源: 新探健康发展研究中心 浏览量:329
本周的《美国疾控中心减盐电子报》(CDC Salt e-Update)内容包含有:一项发表在美国疾控中心学术期刊《慢性疾病预防》(Preventing Chronic Disease)上的研究,以及近期发表在《英国医学杂志》(BMJ)在线版上的一篇文章。
April 23
Hello –
This week’s CDC Salt e-Update includes a study published in the CDC journal Preventing Chronic Disease and a paper recently published in BMJ Open.
Reported Use and Perceived Understanding of Sodium Information on US Nutrition Labels
A recent study found that about a third of Americans report they specifically buy foods labeled “low” or “reduced” salt or sodium when grocery shopping. CDC researchers analyzed survey data from 3,700 adults. More than 50% shoppers surveyed said they or the person who shops for their food buy items labeled low salt or low sodium; and nearly half reported they check nutrition labels for sodium content as a tactic to limit salt. However, about one fifth of shoppers said they were confused trying to figure out how much salt is in the foods they eat. Results reveal a need to educate consumers about using and understanding nutrition labels, especially when it comes to salt.
Cross-National Comparison of WHO Sodium and Potassium Goal Compliance
Analysis of dietary intake data in the US, Mexico, UK and France found fewer than 0.5% of adults met WHO targets for potassium (>3,510mg /d) and sodium (<2,000 mg /d) intakes. Given the low levels of compliance with global goals, it is suggested that educational and individual-level approaches to sodium reduction should be supported with efforts to reduce added sodium in processed and packaged foods to reduce population-wide sodium exposure. The paper notes, adequate potassium intakes will likely require increasing the consumption of less frequently consumed potassium-rich foods, including beans, dark-green vegetables, dried fruits and fish, while simultaneously decreasing sodium intake.
Thank you for your continued engagement in sodium reduction.
We are sending this information in an effort to inform our stakeholders of relevant sodium reduction efforts that are occurring. The purpose of this communication is to provide continued follow up with stakeholders and create a network of partners working on and interested in sodium reduction. The Salt e-Update will be sent every two weeks. For questions or comments, or to be added or removed from this communication, contact Hadley Hickner atHHickner@cdc.gov.
Salt e-Update content is selected solely on the basis of newsworthiness and potential interest to readers. CDC assumes no responsibility for the factual accuracy of the items presented. The selection, omission, or content of items does not imply any endorsement or other position taken by CDC. Opinions expressed by the original authors of items included in Salt e-Update, or persons quoted therein, are strictly their own and are in no way meant to represent the official position of CDC. References to products, trade names, publications, news sources, and Websites are provided solely for informational purposes and do not imply endorsement by the CDC.